
Friday 4 January 2013

Why Politics Disgust Me

Politics in America today are absolutely disgusting. The majority of politicians are greedy and selfish, and only concern themselves with re-election, rather than solving problems that need to be solved. What happened to this country, 100 years ago these people would be prime examples of what not to do in office. Now it is the standard. The philosophical rift between the two parties is enormous, and very depressing. This is a list about why I am disgusted by the politicians in this country.

1: Greed. Most politicians are so consumed by their re-election efforts they do not do anything. The Presidential campaign that took place the past few months has completely taken up Obama's time. What has he done besides give speeches about how great he is, and how bad Romney was? It should not matter, instead of campaigning he should be doing his job. This happens almost every time with first term presidents. The last 6 months or more of their term is spent promoting themselves, rather than working. This may be my naivety, but if they focus on doing their job, campaigning should be unnecessary. People will see, and feel what they did, and support them for those reasons. Not because their opponent is the next Bernie Madoff, and stomps on the impoverished and middle class.

2: Power. I would assume the majority of politicians are megalomaniacs who need power to survive. They may enter the field with the goal of ending world hunger, and eliminating poverty, or whatever other grandiose goals they are trying to fulfill. But they are molded by their respective parties. Whenever someone goes against their party, they are destroyed. Just look at Chris Christie, when he thanked Obama for his help during Hurricane Sandy. It was a wonderful thing to do, and made me happy that not every politician in the country is biased. How did the GOP react? They reprimanded him for giving Obama a boost in the polls. Christie did a good thing, and his party punished him for it.

3: 2-Party System. This system is broken. Every election has two real options. Everyone else is automatically disqualified because they are not a Democrat or Republican. The past three elections have been choices between a Giant Douche, and a Turd Sandwich (South Park reference), and I'm sick of it. There are so many other possible candidates that I agree with that do not have a chance. Gary Johnson, for example, took the best of both parties. He was a fiscal conservative, a social libertarian, and a foreign liberal. Every single one of his views I agreed with, and he had solid arguments for each one. However, third-party candidates such as Gary Johnson are ignored by everybody! They are not even included in debates, and they are not given any opportunities on major news networks. I want change, but I cannot imagine it coming if the two-party system stays.

4: Super-PACs. Second only to the two-party system, Super-PACs are the biggest breakers of politics in America. They give out hundreds of millions of dollars to the candidate that they believe will win. If their candidate wins, they have a say in the White House, because they aided that President in the election. Different benefits for them, or punishments for their rivals, and it corrupts the entire system. In the most recent episode of South Park (I love that show), Obama gives the Chinese rights to "Star Wars" so that they can help him win. It is a funny episode, is too truthful for comfort. When politicians make promises to these corporations in exchange for money and votes, this changes the Presidency. All of a sudden, the President and Congress are handing out rewards to all of their supporters.

5: The media. I was hesitant to include this in the list, but decided it influences politics enough to be mentioned. I have one big problem with the media. The problem? Every. Single. Major. News. Outlet. Is. Biased. CNN and MSNBC lean left. MSNBC is so liberal it is almost offensive. On the other hand Fox News leans right. It is the conservative equivalent of MSNBC, it leans so far right that it is offensive. When I watch the News, I want news. I don't want twisted, and in some cases completely false bullshit, that doesn't tell me anything.

6: Stupidity: Every day I hear about some politician from some party either doing something stupid, or saying something offensive. Stuart Stevens just said that Romney won the important vote. This man is an idiot, and it is people like this that give America a bad name throughout the world. Another example is Gwen Moore, from Wisconsin. She recited a (clever) poem, but followed it up by singing. A U.S. Representative sang the song "Hit the Road Jack" for almost two minutes. What does this accomplish? Nothing, and that is exactly what is being done.

7: Compromise: If you are a politician right now, you know that compromise is obviously the wrong way to do things. You cannot possibly do anything any way, except for yours. The Congress is similar to a bunch of bickering 5 year old children, who are not quite mature enough to apologize or reach a compromise. With the upcoming fiscal cliff, I would have expected something to get done. I was disappointed. At this moment, I have no hope for the future of this country. Not a single politician can reach agreement. Arguing is the only accepted strategy it seems. I hope that this does not happen, but if we continue on our current course, I believe that America is on the wind-down. It may not implode, but it will no longer be one of the great superpowers of the world.

Politics today are a circus. It is all public image, and re-election. Almost every single aspect about it is disgusting. Things do not get done. Corporations get all the benefits.I can't even learn about what is happening because the media is so biased. Not even the Fiscal Cliff is enough to force Congress to get along. Even I am affected by the economy. My unemployment is really hard to deal with, and I am just 16 years old. The current politicians are ruining this country and the world, and it is me who will have to pick up the shattered remains. Hope you enjoyed the article.

Hey, if you enjoyed the article, take a look at It has this and a few other articles about things from my perspective. Take a look, any attention would be wonderful, thanks.

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