
Monday 26 November 2012

A View on Politicains and Our Votes

As we all can notice it is voting season and all of the representatives are out there begging us to choose them. They are campaigning from state to state and city to city fighting for the issues they think will make a change and arguing against the opponent and his beliefs. It is the time that they play commercials bantering the other candidate and glorifying themselves. It is the time of year that we all think November can't come soon enough.

Now don't get me wrong here because voting is good and it took a long time for women to even gain that right and every American is grateful to have the opportunity to say " hey wait a minute, this don't seem right". However I am sure we can all agree that we could do with less of the smashing and bashing that each candidate does to the other.

As Americans we have learned not to judge a coat by its color and to never take one's word at face value. So just the same these pointless commercials pinning one against the other tend to be ignored. We know there not the whole truth and that to us they are just simply annoyances.

The candidates really need to step back and think on whether they want to irritate the voters or get their vote. Getting our vote is simple, just tell us what you stand for in layman terms and quit the useless badgering. Let us hear how you can do good for us. Let us hear how you want to change things and the fight you will put up to do so. Tell us what you won't stand for and what you won't do. I would say be honest but, politicians don't usually go there. Basically quit wasting our time and get to the real issues at hand. America is worth more to us Americans then you think.

Contrary to what some may think we care about what the issues are and we care how they get handled. Americans don't vote on looks or where you are from. We vote on the issues that matter. So state the one's you want and don't want. Let us decide if you cover enough of them to get our vote. But, also realize that like said before, slandering get's you nowhere. Average Americans are gonna change the channel or turn it down because we know that not all of the opponents views on the other candidate are valid. We are Americans and we know what we want and frankly it is time the politicians saw that.

View the original article here

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