
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Political Change? Think Bigger

Two primary sentiments are in play this election season: 1) entrenched interests promoting the status quo of easy money (printing and borrowing) and resource redistribution; and 2) a troubled recognition that the easy money and redistribution course is a direct road to disaster. People in the former group don't want substantive change; they've got too much to lose. They find solace with the "steady as she goes, keep the something for nothing train rolling" choices democrats and republicans offer. This election seeks only to determine which special interests are to benefit most. The men and women in the latter group however, realize a major sea change is required to right the course of a once proud and prosperous nation, and real change is nowhere in sight.

America's situation is nothing short of a travesty and a tragedy. Americans are so enamored with a modicum of personal economic security (read entitlements) and so easily persuaded by groundless but attractive sounding promises they willingly cede their personal power to a host of would-be benefactors and rulers: professional politicians and financial and industrial elite. Circumstances have become so unhinged a significant political change is needed to alter our course. We are headed in the wrong direction. It's time to think bigger. It's time to reform the system.

The real problem, which leaders of neither political party will admit to because it serves the parties' interests, is we have concentrated wealth and power in the hands of a few. The system, developed painstakingly over generations, automatically draws resources from the productive core and funnels them to the connected rich to fund lavish lifestyles and the easily manipulated masses to ensure votes. No amount of economic stimulus, no amount of money printing, or ever more gargantuan fiscally irresponsible spending can overcome these two drains on creative, productive enterprise. The special interests have a death grip on the economy. Releasing this hold is the only option to give Americans a fighting chance at prosperity.

This corrupt system has generated a cultural malaise which must be peeled back for real progress to ensue. Power must return to the people - this means freedoms and responsibilities. We must shatter the resource transfer philosophy (unearned shift of wealth to the wealthy and unsecured entitlements to the masses) which is financially and morally bankrupting this nation.

This reform can and must be done by means of three measures: first depose the career politicians and eliminate the burgeoning political class (dismantle gerrymandering and establish term limits); second establish a sound currency and a responsible financial system (disassemble too big to fail financial institutions and end Wall Street's financial shenanigans); and finally get the federal government out the benefits and entitlements businesses (healthcare, education, and welfare).

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. As much as we would like to believe this isn't true - that every day is a holiday and every meal a feast - it just isn't so. Politicians simply cannot handle power. So the less power the people give them, the better.

If you are one of the people who realize the something for nothing philosophy cannot endure, think bigger. Advocate for systemic reform. A major overhaul is the only way to give our children any chance at a healthy, thriving, and productive future. If you want political change, don't buy into the baseless and shallow promises the current slate of political candidates endorse. Think bigger.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Success 101 How Life Works - Know the Rules, Play to Win" and "Warriors, Diplomats, Heroes, Why America's Army Succeeds - Lessons for Business and Life" focuses on the fundamental principles of leadership and success;

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