
Thursday 1 November 2012

Mitt Romney Can't Catch a Break From the Liberal Socialist Op-Ed Writers of the NYTs

It is interesting how attacking the liberal socialist media gets during election season, it's as if they think this is their time to shine, their time to prove self-worth, and validate themselves to their left-leaning readership audience. It's just too darn bad with all that word-smithing style and grace, and tricky little sentences that they actually reveal to those in the know exactly how little they understand. Okay so, let's talk shall we?

The New York Times had an interesting Op-Ed on September 20, 2012 titled; "It Takes One to Know One," by Nicholas D. Kristof which was in response to Mitt Romney's comment about how 47% of those on the government dole who voted for Obama were not going to switch political sides and vote for him in the 2012 elections as long as they think President Obama will keep that money flowing to them. Mitt was right. Mr. Kristof stated however in his Op-Ed piece;

"As I watched a video of Mitt Romney scolding moochers suffering from a culture of dependency, I thought of American soldiers I've met in Afghanistan and Iraq. They don't pay federal income tax while they're in combat zones, and they rely on government benefits when they come back."

Well, that's all well and good that it "reminded" him of soldiers, but that has nothing to do with what Mitt Romney was talking about, so whereas, Kristof may have an abundance of imagination and massive amounts of white matter connecting his brain to various experiences and thoughts, he has completely voided his argument by that first sentence, and led the reader astray.

More so, because President Obama was supposed to bring all those soldiers back as soon as he took office, that's what he promised, one could actually make a similar charge with the Commander in Chief and actually me more correct. I hope the American People and the Obama Voters in 2008 remember that - or has the economic stress of American citizens blocked their short term memory - that happens and we know that to be a neurological fact.

Still, why is it that the Op-Ed writers in the New York Times take a topic and twist and contort it into something it isn't? Well, it's because they feel it there job to trash any Republican candidate at the earliest possible convenience, hoping that they can change what happened into some sort of "gotcha" politics of perceived and created reality.

Indeed, there has been one after another hit pieces, op-eds, in the New York Times over this issue, and not one is able to discuss the issue without taking what Mitt Romney said out of context and merging their version of what they wish he had said so they could attack him into their own little mismatched court of public opinion misdirection hit pieces. That's why.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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