
Thursday 1 November 2012

Reasons Why Americans Are Hated Throughout the World

Firstly I would like to say up-front that this is the title of an article that was suggested to me to write based on my interest in world Politics and the world economy. Secondly, I have hesitated for a week before writing this because I know that it has the potential to inflict unintentional hurt on my US friends and to draw unpleasant and unthought out responses from others who are unaware of some realities.

This article goes against all my inbuilt diplomacy that has kept me from mainstream criticism all my life. The truth is that there are many reasons why Americans are hated throughout the world and they can no longer be ignored or diplomatically side-stepped.

The reasons why Americans are hated throughout the world are too broad to list here in total but they all stem back to one place and that is Wall Street. Wall Street has become the common name for the US Government simply because it is Wall Street that now finances and elects the Government of America.

Never, in the history of the world, has democracy been so well-financed in the US as in these 2012 elections. Wall street financiers and other big multinational companies, know the control that can be exercised through monetary policy and the power of that control when backed up by the world's largest military machine is formidable.

Since the demise of the gold standard, world trade is now conducted in US dollars. The use of this monetary value in combination with US military power has corrupted democracy everywhere. When this power is mixed with the rise of Christian fundamentalism in America it has become a very potent force for controlling the American population inside the US while allowing their Government to operate avariciously outside US borders.

What this effectively means is that the American people through having their education systems downgraded, their media controlled by a limited number of providers even though that same media may have more technical devices for sharing their sanitized news. The American people are treated like Mushrooms - that is - they are 'kept in the dark' about what is being done in their name and they remain ignorant of the facts.

It is this ignorance of the facts about what their Government aka Wall Street, is doing to other Countries and cultures; friend and foe alike, that is hurting America around the world. Money does not respect friends and when it comes to these so-called "Free Trade Deals" they benefit the US far in excess to what they deliver to other signatories. Any contract signed with a threat of extreme loss does not lend itself to harmony or longevity. Some may call this 'good business' but when the deal is skewed too far one way, and an Amoeba result is felt, no deal will last.

Another reason Americans are disliked around the world is because they are 'loud'. Due to their accepted behaviour in the US where loud is often considered vibrancy and out-going; in many other cultures and countries around the world, it is considered to be 'crass' and very disrespectful. "The Loud American" is not a myth but rather a considered observation.

If someone shows-off something that they are very proud of because it is an achievement for them, to immediately come back and "one-up" them by saying "back home... (we have better) is disparaging, disrespectful and is often said as an unintentional and thoughtless 'put-down'. No one likes to be made to feel small. Just because you can make someone else feel small does not make you the bigger-better person. It makes you come across as a big-mouth and a very unlikable person. This personal impression is seen as representative of America and does not engender any feelings of love towards America.

Americans chose to live their life competitively and winning becomes the goal. Winning at any cost is not the way most other people around the world choose to live. Over the centuries, some of these countries have learned that is not the way to live a peaceful and happy life. Forcing people to live competitively through Free Trade Agreements and other financial instruments is not the way they want to live.

Deception and half-truths do not build trust. Full disclosure is not always forth coming from America and this discourtesy and lack of respect makes Americans very untrustworthy. Over time, if people can't trust you this engenders hate. The old adage of "Do as you say and say as you do" will encourage trust.

The other misconception is that Americans are hated.

Americans aren't hated individually unless they cause it personally and this applies to any person representing their country when travelling overseas.

It is the actions of the US Government that Americans elect that is the major cause of their problems.

The reasons Americans are disliked around the world stem back to Wall Street controlling the Reserve Bank and the US Government which dictates Foreign policy based on unfair Free Trade Agreements.

View the original article here

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