
Monday 12 November 2012

Uniquely Qualified - Well Are You?

Are you uniquely qualified to be in the job you're in currently or perhaps the job you're seeking? Before retirement I ran a franchising company and I always wanted the best people with the most experience, intelligence, and ability to think on the fly, solve problems, and battle through the challenges making it look easy. There are not many people who are uniquely qualified for their profession. Indeed, I would say the 80/20 rule applies and that 80% of the people are merely taking up space.

Then I'd say there is a nether 80/20 rule on the remaining 20% and that only 4/100 people are really qualified to do those positions. Next I'd say there is an 80/20 rule on the remaining 4%, and that means less than 1% are uniquely qualified for any particular position. The CEO of a company is a different sort of person than the marketing director or the middle managers in the business units. Just as the CFO, CIO, or international business team leader positions take a certain type of a person who has a certain bit of savvy, experience and know-how in that sector.

Interestingly enough during the October 11, 2012 vice presidential debate in Kentucky the challenging vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan suggested that Mitt Romney was uniquely qualified to turn the country around and get America back to work. Why did he suggest this? He suggested it because Mitt Romney was a former governor turned that state around, and brought their education in the state up to number one in the country. He also turned around the Olympics and pulled it off at a time when America was worried about terrorist attacks and it looked as if the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City would be bankrupt before they started.

In other words, he's good at leadership, good at turning things around, and he understands finance. He understands what it takes to create jobs, and that the government doesn't create jobs, the private sector does. You see when the government creates jobs that generally messes things up, or creates government jobs which cost taxpayer's money and slows down the rest of the economy. So, is Mitt Romney truly qualified to run this country? Yes, Paul Ryan is probably correct, he is uniquely qualified.

Now then, are you uniquely qualified to run a company or super qualified for that job that you are seeking? Do you have the background, experience, and observational ability to pull it off? You need to be uniquely qualified for the job you seek because if you aren't this will just lead to the Peter Principle, and you will end up failing, and everyone else in the organization is going to go down with that same ship. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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