
Saturday 8 December 2012

Don't Blame the President!

In 2008 massive numbers of American's voted the nation's first Black President into office. Crying, cheering and overwhelmed citizens had no idea however, the events that would unfold over the next 48 months. Fast-forward 4 years to the year 2012. Like before, some citizens are crying, others are still cheering and scores feel overwhelmed. No matter what part of the crowd you find yourself in, consider this... "Don't Blame the President."

If you voted for President Obama and you like what he is doing, you're probably cheering. If you did not vote for the President and you don't like what he is doing, you're probably crying. And if you're overwhelmed, you should be in light of the astonishing policies, economic tumult and the position he has taken regarding the traditional family.

The reason you should not blame the President is because as a nation, we are getting exactly what we ourselves have become, in a sense, he is an accelerated version of own carnal ways. We should be more shocked at the image reflecting the picture of our walk with God.

As a born again believer and Pastor of a church, I watch in amazement as complaining Christians detest the actions of a leader they voted for. Is the ado about nothing? Of course not! America is dysfunctional. But why, because of the President? In part it is a Presidential problem, but the majority of the blame rests with the Luke Warm Believer.

The Christian population voted for the President and if we are now angry, what do you suppose God thinks about His people who lack discernment? A decent prayer life would have provided ample alarm if only the time was taken to pray. Instead, most did as they always do, live life apart from God until they need something. Don't blame the President for being who he is. He is only demonstrating the voice of our actions.

And while the President bows to foreign leaders, we bow at the altar of compromise. His apologies are akin to the excuses we make for not tithing. The President snubs Israel while many of us are ashamed of Jesus. And yes, we mutually share the out of control spending habits, here again, the government and its citizens are one.

Some believe President Obama is trying to destroy the country, to level the playing field as we snugly sit at the table of nations. Agreed, but the stages of the dismantling of our nation began some 50 years ago we let the devil take prayer out of schools. And today, parents get angry when their children get corrected. We tear down the country when the divorce rate among Christians is equal those who claim no relationship with God. We destroy the country when we confess Jesus and then don't obey Him.

Don't Blame The President. He has only done, what we have become.

J. Calvin Tibbs is Pastor of Kingdom Dominion Church, radio host and author.
This latest work will stimulate the reader to join God's last days army to bring light to the world.

View the original article here

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