
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Obama Is Short-Sighted

Although President Barrack Obama has very moral and Utopian ideas, his vision to get there is lacking proper planning. One thing that is imperative to understand about governing, is that you have to actively engage yourself with reality. While I would say it's safe to say that no one would object from everyone in America having a easier life, it is easy to assert that not everyone believes that is what the priority is right now. We need to get out of debt and into work. President Obama might be a great president given a different America with more resources and a better economy, but of the two candidates in the upcoming election, President Obama is the most harmful to America.

Although it is often viewed as jealousy, the poor have a more envious attitude towards the rich. The distinction between the two is significant because jealously holds more contemptuous feelings, while envy holds a desire to be alike. The difference is between conflict and resolution. Americans are not spiteful people and they respect success more than any other country in the world. So where does the disdain from the one percent come from? It is from the economy and not having enough pies to make us all get a big enough piece.

Mitt Romney allows for a better fiscal plan for America to get out of debt and into prosperity. Nobody can deny that our economy is gaining more and more debt and we have been spiraling downwards for many years. We have had more prosperous economies and there's no reason why we should not be prosperous now. Under President Ronald Reagan, our economy was much better off. The trickle down effect is what allows us to create hierarchies which gives us structure and jobs.

The whole "Occupy" movement has stalled much progress. How many people are in unemployment and not actively searching for jobs? Instead of protesting, take your success in your own hands. It is absolutely ludicrous to be on unemployment for 99 weeks. That is just lazy and unmotivated, and to allow that is the epitome of why America is in trouble.

Everyone wants to have meaning in life and work is one of the most rewarding aspects to feel good about oneself. Everyone wants to feel useful and nobody wants to be poor. There is no reason why someone should be on unemployment in America when we employ millions of illegal immigrants. There are jobs out there to be had, but you might have to make sacrifices to get there. You might have to live in a different area and make less money. But anyone who is willing to live in poverty in a place that can't sustain them with enough jobs and housing deserves what they are willing to settle for. Not because anyone person is better or worse than another, or deserves more or less, but because we have the ability to define our own destiny.

To say that Americans don't want the jobs that the illegals have is to say that we, as Americans, are better than them. That is Hippocratic at its worse right there, and I don't believe it for a second. Look at the quality of life that illegals are allowed to live. I am no better than anyone else to allow this to go on, but if you're fighting for quality of life, you can look both ways. Maybe the illegal immigrants that make less than minimum wage should be the one protesting the people of Occupy. It is this ignorance of reality that allows our country to stay in a downward spiral. We not only don't want to do those jobs, but we allow for other people to do it for slave wages. There is enough corn fed to cattle each year to feed the whole world population. While I don't back this up with specific fact, I do so on purpose because it is irrelevant. We all know that there are enough resources for everyone to live and prosper. What is important is that we go out there and make our own livings and strive to success rather than complaining and expecting someone else to do it for you.

The government's job should be to allow for an economy that can support the people of the United States. Right now, we're more concentrated on trying to provide for everyone and individual responsibility is being ignored. Remember when John Fitzgerald Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Our government is made up of the people by the people. Our state is not God, and it does not provide for us. We have to do that ourselves. It is time to stop looking outside to find why things are happening, but inside. What can you do to better the world today?

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