
Thursday 27 December 2012

What Does the Tea Party Stand For? And Do We Stand for It Too?

What is the Tea Party? What do they stand for? Why do we stand for it?

These questions must first be studied and answered before any man judge their demeanor or intentions, as the media has and is doing today. And for any man to prejudge the ideas of the Tea Party proves only one thing true, that their judgement is not sound!

Liberals and Republicans alike have wrongly maligned and abused their stand for truth and liberty, but it is not this that makes me write these words. It is the strong impression that is left once these lies have been told about the Tea Parties agendas. It is not the fact that lies are told but the fact that lies are told by fellow Americans that should see for themselves just how close we are to failing as a Nation and a people. We are headed into the cliff's and no one wants to turn the plane away except the Tea Party, why?

Are we so blinded by personal protection of our petty understandings that we refuse to see the demise of our own country?

How can a people that have shed so much blood and tears be so willing to give it all up for the single most failed ideas in history... socialism?

Why are patriots not cheered to success?

Why are they rather maligned and insulted by their own side. The Tea Party has been unjustly taken to task by Republican shills who work to give the Liberals the win... WHY???

We are in the greatest battle to save America from total loss in our history and what do the people do? They root for the wrong side because greed and power mean more to them than pride and patriotism!

Is it not self evident that America is sickly and needs to be brought to healing by non other than those in which our Constitution was written for? How obvious does out demise have to be? How obvious was Rome's demise just before it fell to it's people who lived during it's republic days? Do you think that IF it were possible that those people would like to have their republic BACK? Of course they would but history only favors those who act when opportunity presents itself not those who get lazy and self-absorbed.

Who are those responsible to heal our land under God?

Does not our Constitution tell us who it is?

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

"We the people" are the only hope and change that our Nation needs at this moment or has ever needed. Simply ignoring that fact does not change that fact. The problem in our Nation today is that we are ignorant of our historical place in the affairs of our Nation. We have fallen prey to a BIG TIME lie, the lie that Big Government is our mother and father figure, that they know best and most importantly that the Government has our best interest at heart. How can we be that stupid in the face of 4 failed years of Obama's socialistic attempts to make that happen? And Bush's attempt to make government bigger, working with progressives to do so? Has big government worked in the past 8 years? NO IT HAS NOT!

I don't get why people have such short memories when it comes to election promises do you?

Every election in memory has been filled with stupid defences of those running that are obviously lies and made up stories, to convince those who know their lies to vote for the liars. What the hell is wrong with us? Do we have a death wish? America is in the hands of people who hate everything that made America great in the first place, we actually turned America lock, stock and barrel over to its murderers gladly, and that's what hurts the most!

In the preamble of our Constitution you will notice that it is the People who are to establish Justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defence and to promote the general welfare not a welfare state beholding to bureaucrats and fools. But most important of all to secure Liberty and establish the Constitution For posterity. Does this sound anything like the liberal mantra we are forced to bear daily on the airwaves? I think not! And yes the government is supposed to be in charge UNDER the people's watchful eye on certain issues like the military, but I ask you have we been watchful? Has the government been successful other than a few times to do it's job well?

It should be obvious to any thinking person that the task at hand is great, since our Government has stolen those preamble rights from it's people and taken upon itself their responsibility. The Government decides what Justice is, they choose how we will feel at peace domestically, they control our military might or lack thereof, they have us chained to their provision of welfare and have our Liberties and Constitutional foundations in their sights. Is the government at the verge of taking away our right? Not immediately for sure but get real the government 70 years ago wasn't this close to doing it ether but I ask you haven't they been in constant drip mode to do for the past 70 years? YES they have and to deny it is just plain moronic in the extreme.

Contrary to all our blood and honor has stood for throughout history we have sold our collective souls for the pittance of personal welfare and personal security.The problem is it is in our hands to gain our own welfare not some bureaucrat in Washington D.C. If that cannot be made clear then America is lost and that is what the Tea Party stands against. To restore us to the glory of our founding and bring us back to our ideals as a Nation it will take ANOTHER Tea Party action of similar intent. In order to overthrow this political fiat by Obama the people must stand strong against his unconstitutional lack of working with Congress.

So why not look to American history to find out what the first patriots did to fight the injustices of the King of England?

"When the East India Company sent shipments of tea to Philadelphia and New York the ships were not allowed to land. In Charleston the tea-laden ships were permitted to dock but their cargo was consigned to a warehouse where it remained for three years until it was sold by patriots in order to help finance the revolution."

"The Boston Tea Party, 1773," Eyewitness to History, (2002).

They used what the King intended to destroy their will to fight against them and in turn paid for their revolt against the injustice. It was a brilliant plan! We need to start using our opponents plans against us against them, momentum is everything when you have it but it's also easy to use momentum against your opponent if you do it properly. That is what the Tea Party is all about, to use the Obama administrations actions against them. We must make indelible marks on history, make it so noticeable, so unavoidable to the senses that people will have to choose between following a lie willingly or changing course dramatically!

The Tea Party stands at a crossroads, a place in history few have witnessed! We are responsible to direct our nation to safety, to reignite the spark of Conservatism that made America great and totally unique among the nations of the earth. America was and still is a Nation without match in the world and that is what's at stake here, it's not about politics and party I.D's, it's not about personal glory or power struggles, it's never been about money but that is exactly what it's about with this administration, they are selling out what America stands for for their own power grabbing advantage, it is PITIFUL INDEED!

The biggest argument the other side uses against us is RACE and the fact that the race accusation isn't used in proper meaning or context doesn't seem to bother anyone.

Why do we accept this term loosely applied to anyone who simply disagrees with what Obama is doing? Giving voice to those who don't agree is just as important in a free society as giving power to those who do agree but to falsely accuse someone with this term is crazy talk.

It's unconstitutional behavior like theirs by any standard you can compare them too, so why do Americans keep electing people who fight like school yard children over a baseball? People who decide our fates as a people or a Nation deserve higher scrutiny not less scrutiny but that is exactly what we have witnessed if we were paying attention that is, during the last two election seasons.

The Tea Party stands for true freedom that is unencumbered by government rules and regulations which take more freedom away than they ever provide because the regulations we accept into our lives are like thieves that we don't see robbing us of our freedom by stealing our constitutional rights. There is only one way for America to remain as a constitutional force in the world and that is to stay connected to our founding principles.

That can happen if the Tea Party's principles which are clearly delineated by each group are instituted Nationwide NOT by force but by plain old common sense in each Americans mind. We must take each course presented to us and compare them, side by side, principle for principle, argument for argument, not backing down, not playing games of race baiting and attacking opponents personal lives.

We the people cannot become as low and standard-less as those in charge of our government and the cronies who support them. With God's help our Nation can survive this onslaught of our freedoms, the worst of all assaults previously! But only if we stick to principles founded upon our constitutional framework.

I am a LICENSED MINISTER of the Gospel and a FORMER WICAN / BLACK WITCH and Substance Abuser who was brought to Faith in Jesus Christ in Aug of 1979. My Ministry is to reach those in the Occult/Cults and SKEPTICISM with the TRUTH of God's Eternal Word! I am unremarkable but my God is most remarkable in his scope and has worked in me a miracle beyond compare.

I am a conservative at heart, I believe in American exceptional-ism. The Constitution is final authority on ANY and all Law decisions. God through the founders established the first and only Nation on earth where Liberty and Justice for all could be born!

My Ministry Sites on politics are:

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