
Saturday 29 December 2012

Rethinking the Unsustainable Democratic Party Before It Implodes Considered

Sometimes, I just laugh when I listen to left leaning political pundits on the cable TV news stations tell us that the Republican Party is broken in half and can't get its act together. It is very interesting to listen to them give advice to the Republicans and GOP on how they should run their affairs, specifically how they should change and meld themselves to what the Democratic Party does and what the socialists want of this nation in the future. I see it completely differently, and I'd like to explain that to you if I might.

You see, I think it's time that the Democratic Party rethinks its platform before it implodes. Socialism doesn't work, and the Democratic Party is promoting much of the socialist agenda in every sense of the word. There will be no good outcome of what they are doing today, in our future. We will be morally and economically bankrupt and so politically correct that we can't even solve the problems we created. It is indeed the Democratic Party which is unsustainable, and needs complete reworking. If it doesn't, and it thinks it can continue this unrealistic utopian agenda it will surely fail.

Currently, the Democrats under the leadership of the Obama Administration are spending nearly $1 trillion per year more than what the federal government takes in. They keep telling us about unsustainability at every turn, they keep telling us what we must do, and that they have the answer, that they can solve the problem, and they request to spend more money. Unfortunately, all the money they've spent already hasn't worked and it's just cost us more in debt. The unemployment problem is still out of control, the debt is now out of control, and they are practicing the definition of insanity;

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

What they've done has not worked, and they've made things much worse. It's time for a little bit of fiscal responsibility, and to throw away the linguistic charts of political correctness, and start getting down to business. This fake class warfare nonsense is ridiculous. Stealing money from one group of people and giving it to another is still stealing, it's not right, and it's not fair for the majority to take wealth from the minority and duly give it to themselves.

It does not foster hard work ethic, strength of character, nor self-esteem. It's wrong for America, and inherently everyone knows it, but they still stand with their hands out, and duly vote for the next podium pushing politicians that make such promises. Money doesn't grow on trees, and you can't have something for nothing, and very soon the American people are going to fully comprehend exactly how much $1 trillion actually is. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Economic Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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