
Friday 28 December 2012

The Fiscal Cliff Budget BS Baffles Bureaucrats and Emboldens the Blob of Bureaucracy

Well, from a CEO perspective, what's going on in Washington DC is beyond belief. What I find amazing is that public companies must put forth all of their accounting documents or they get fined by the SEC. They must be timely, and the forms must be filled out and filed on time. If not there are actually criminal penalties, and the CFO might go to jail. That's how public companies work, and I would submit to you that the shareholders of the United States of America are the people. After all we are a nation "for the people and by the people," and therefore we should hold our representatives in this great Republic accountable.

Interestingly enough, the Constitution states that the legislative branch must pass a budget each and every year. They are not to be afforded excuses for not doing so. In fact there is no excuse, and this has gone on far too long. Further, our government is spending over $1 trillion more than it takes in, but the Obama Administration asserts that we must provide more stimulus to get the economy going. Unfortunately, all the stimulus they've been doing, hasn't been working, and yet, the Obama Administration says it needs more stimulus - why to buy more votes?

We keep hitting our debt limit, going beyond it, failing to provide an adequate budget, and then requesting more money from ourselves. The voters keep voting for left-leaning socialist type leadership that obviously does not know how to balance a checkbook, or even care to. Now, here we are at another so-called "fiscal cliff" which is nothing more than a self-created problem which was pushed forward as our government "kicked the can down the road" until after the election. Why didn't they wait until after the election? So they can get themselves reelected, even though they hadn't done their job.

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on November 29, 2012 titled "GOP Rejects Cliff Offer From Obama," by Janet Hook and Corey Boles which stated; " GOP Rejects Cliff Offer From Obama

"President Barack Obama made an opening bid in budget talks with Republicans that calls for a $1.6 trillion tax increase, a $50 billion economic-stimulus program and new power to raise the federal debt limit without congressional approval, a broad set of demands Republicans viewed as a step back in talks to avoid looming tax increases and spending cuts."

Many people say that this was merely President Obama's hardline negotiation style, that he was disciplined, and is an expert negotiator. Actually, President Obama is the President of the United States of America, and therefore such political extortion tactics, and attempts to move constitutional power from the legislative branch to the executive branch due to a self-created crisis is a real problem.

In other countries that have done this, socialist dictator type leaders have risen to power, and eventually run their economies into the ground. We don't need that here, we need not become another Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Italy, or Greece. You see my point yet? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

View the original article here

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