
Saturday 1 December 2012

Side With the President or Else

We are in a recurring time in history when choosing the wrong side could have an indelible impact on future generations. No choice is more pronounced in American and in world history as the one regarding who will lead America back to Christ-likeness.

Although the decision seems to be Republican or Democratically based, it's really not. At the forefront of the issue is the set of beliefs our leaders adopt and how their beliefs either clash with or confer with God's platform.

The President's views and the Bible drastically differ on critical issues like same-sex-marriage, the importance of the nation of Israel and the value of the unborn. In all such cases and in every era, the Word of God wins. Some will want to make this gap about a man and his political party, others will see it as right vs wrong. I humbly submit that the proper order of God's stated priority is as follows:

"Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done." (Matthew 6:10)

"But Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God... " (Matthew 6:33)

"Love the Lord Your God with all Your Heart and with all Your Soul and with all Your Mind" (Matthew 22:37)

When Preachers and Politicians lose their God-center, each becomes comfortable in shielding their convictions. The challenge associated with this line of thought is that truth then becomes a tool of compromise. The Kingdom of God did not come to earth as a subordinate system of behavior, but as a supercharged seed of infinite power.

People of God should live Christ-led not Man-centered lives. And when the clergy sides with man over God, the country morphs into an emerging 3rd world nation. But because the United States is so big and its people are so distracted, few will take the time to seriously contemplate what this will look like. Despite the complication produced by the abundance of choices, change for the better is quite simple.

Here is the change; side with God.

Change is a challenge however, for both the educated and the uneducated alike. This is because each received a 21st century course on sensitivity training which prepares the adept to avoid making a stand. While learning how to respect those who are different from us, we also learned to blur the line that divides truth from error. For decades this wind of doctrine has blown cultural smoke into our eyes and made it easy to ignore what should be considered egregious behavior. We must take a side. A short attention span can no longer make tabling our decision attractive, as changing the subject will not eliminate individual responsibility. Procrastination as a means of coping is unacceptable, mental clarity must begin now.

And as the masses inhale and exhale through the various stages of sleep, may their dreams be interrupted with the sobering reminder that God is watching and awaiting their awakening. The older generations believed that when you know better you should do better; many of us know better than we're doing. Yet, no one will be forced to live right, honor God and do their best. Unfortunately, there will be those who remain bent on personal devotion to self and man-centered worship. All generations have faced this crossroad. The road we take now and the side we choose will globally and spiritually locate our spiritual position.

Some will side with the President regardless of his stand. Other's will stand against him even if his positions change. Both groups contain the error common to the self-absorbed. But the stand of principal importance is that we highly regard God and His Kingdom. (Matt. 6:10, Matt. 6:33 & Matt. 22:37) Causes, agendas, affiliations and programs must all relent and give way to God's heartbeat; that is, the choosing of the Lord Jesus and the gathering of His family to His side.

J. Calvin Tibbs is the Author of Jesus Said, A Practical Guide to Spiritual Living, Pastor of Kingdom Dominion Church in Villa Rica, GA, and host of the Radio Broadcast Your Place in the Kingdom. With more than two decades of ministry experience, the Holy Spirit has fashioned a unique perspective in Tibbs whose insights regarding the life-changing teachings of Jesus, brings enlightenment, inspiration and healing to those stuck in religion and in life.

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